IPCC Multimedia

15:08, 05/05/2020

IPCC Multimedia



The IPCC multimedia system is a solution for building customer support centers based on IP technology in order to meet with the demand of customer service via several multimedia interaction channels such as web, email, live chat, SMS, voice call as well as corporate information channels on Facebook, Skype and Telegram. This system allows for administration over all multimedia channels to connect with the customers and also has the ability to integrate external systems such as customer databases or a customer relation management (CRM) system which helps personalizing customer support when they want to get in touch with the company. An outstanding feature of this solution is its openness, which means it is highly customizable to meet with specific needs of different companies.
IPCC Multimedia is developed based on the Bitrix24 product platform, which is widely used globally with diverse modularized functionalities. It includes:Functionalities and Installation:

  • System administration: creates user accounts, modifies access permissions as well as configures system settings.
  • Personnel management: initiates business structure, user groups and controls access permissions.
  • Multimedia customer service: declares multimedia channels (email, live chat, SMS and social networks) as well as administers and supports them
  • CRM component management: manages CRM data and supports sales and email marketing
  • Evaluation: organizes working shifts and assesses customer support calls of operators.
  • Statistics report: provides statistics reports within permitted access as well as generates custom reports on demand.
  • Other features: communication via internal multimedia tools such as chat and video calls,  task management, personal & corporate schedules as well as internal rating.